Review: Snow in Love (Spoiler-Free)
3.25 stars! This was a super quick Christmas read for me, and I have to say I was expecting a bit more. Granted, I know that with a Christmas romance/short story book the reader is expected to accept the outrageous and impossible, and being unrealistic was not the reason that I found these stories to be meh. The reason that I found them to be a bit average was because of the characters I guess? I'm not really sure how to describe it, but none of these stories felt all that magical like many did from the anthology Meet Cute that I read earlier this year. My favorite out of these stories was definitely "Snow and Mistletoe" by Kasie West, and I want to read more from her in the future. Snow and Mistletoe by Kasie West- ★★★★☆ Working in a Winter Wonderland- ★★★☆☆ The Magi's Gifts- ★★★☆☆ Grounded- ★★★☆☆